Reporting of new item purchases

In order to ensure a literature and information system optimally suited to the University users for research, teaching, and studying, the KIM Library needs all media holdings from the entire library system to be registered.

Please report all literature acquisitions of your institute, as well as literature, you have received as an exchange or as a gift and have been included in the holdings of the Institute Library in the KIM Library for cataloguing.

In order to catalogue monographs, serial publications, and journals, the KIM Library needs the following information:

Registration of monographs and serial publications with the KIM Library

To report new acquisitions, please send us either a copy or a scan of the title page with details of the author/editor, title, place, publisher, year, edition and ISBN. Usually, this information can be found on the front and back of the title page. You should add the page numbers (if necessary, Roman and Arabic numerals) and details about illustrations and/or graphics, and accompanying material such as maps, discs, and CD-ROMS.

In addition, the inventory or acquisition number should be written on the copy as well as the call number, if there is one. However, not all works in an institute are catalogued. Short works, essays, and Diploma theses are not catalogued.

If you have questions, you can get in touch with your contact person at any time.

Registration of journals with the KIM Library

If you have subscribed to a new journal after consulting the library, please register the new subscription with the Journals Department after you have received the first issue. To do this, either complete the online registration form for new journal subscriptions or send the completed pdf registration form by e-mail to the KIM Journals Department.

For information, you can contact the Journals Department via telephone (Tel. 0711/459-22104) or via e-mail (

Registration of changes in journal holdings to the KIM Library

To ensure that your holdings reported in the Hohenheim catalog are up-to-date, please also inform us about any changes in your journal holdings (subscription cancelled, addition of mission volumes / issues, inventory disposed of). To do this, either complete the online form for changes to the journal holdings or send us the completed pdf form by e-mail to the KIM Journals Department. If you plan to dispose of journals, you are to offer them to the KIM Library first.

For information, you can contact the journal department via telephone (Tel. 0711/459-22104) or via e-mail (

Request for e-journal licence

You have been told by a publisher / distributor that you can subscribe to an electronic journal. You need to consult with KIM if you need to pay an additional fee for the e-journal. The registration with the publisher for accessing the full text of the e-journal is done by the KIM journal department. For this, please fill out our request for e-journal licence. As soon as you can access the full text, you will be notified via e-mail.
The subscriber number listed in the request was given to your library by the publisher / distributor. The publisher / distributor gave the subscription number to the title of the printed version. You can usually find these numbers on the invoices.

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