Anti-virus protection
Wir empfehlen dringend, jeden Institutsrechner mit aktueller Virenschutzsoftware zu sichern. Virenschutz für Windows, MacOS und Linux können Sie kostenlos über uns beziehen.
Operating systems and license
- For Windows, Linux und MacOS, details on product compatibility:
- You will need one license per computer.
- more information:
Attention: The license will be automatically renewed!
- The licensing agreement applies strictly to the University of Hohenheim and its affiliated institutes and facilities. In other words, the software is not available for private use by employees of the University or by students.
- The software may only be requested and downloaded (via ILIAS) by employees .
How to proceed
- Log in to ILIAS and go to the page “Anti-virus protection”: - If you cannot access it, we will automatically be notified of this. As soon as you have been authorized for download in ILIAS, we will inform you via e-mail.
- Download the installation program and the instructions , start it with the administration rights , and follow the instructions
Please consult the documentation for details about the licensing .
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