Teaching & research
- Going digital quickly - online teaching and working
- Rooms for computer courses and online exams
- Rooms for computer courses and online exams
- Open Access
- Open access means that scientific literature should be made available publicly on the internet at no charge so that interested parties can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, cite, and use in any other imaginable legal way the full text of the document without any financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those linked to the internet access itself.
- Publishing on hohPublica
- University bibliography
- The bibliography at the University of Hohenheim records the publications of Hohenheim scientists since 2005.
- CFH databases (DALAHO)
- List of all CFH databases (DALAHO)
- Video conferences and online seminars
- Conduct video conferences with DFNconf directly at your workstation or in the conference room.
- Video recordings
- We support you with your video recording and live streaming with the necessary infrastructure.
- Video streaming p2go
- Research data
- High Performance Computing (bwHPC)
- High-performance computing in Baden-Württemberg: Information, access rights, support.
- Scanned examinations
- Please check digital documents for suspicion of plagiarism with Turnitin and evaluate final theses.
- Online exams
- We assist you when planning and holding online exams with ILIAS in the computer rooms at the University of Hohenheim.
- Plagiarism recognition
- Please check digital documents for suspicion of plagiarism with Turnitin and evaluate final theses.
- ILIAS learning platform
- You can use the Hohenheim ILIAS learning platform to utilise e-learning in your classes and provide students with programme and course materials.
- Publication of dissertations
- Ph.D. students can find general information on submitting doctoral theses and specifics on publishing electronic doctoral theses here.
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