
bwHPC Support

Do you need support and assistance on topics related to bwHPC? Please submit your question to the bwHPC-SUPPORT PORTAL (TICKET SYSTEM). It is also possible for specific questions to be sent to topic-related expert units. Authentication is done using the federated identification management bwIDM/ Shibboleth.
You can find help on creating a ticket in the instructions.

Expertteam (TigerTeam)

If you need support, e.g. for transferring applications to the bwHPC Cluster or support for parallelizing your jobs, there is a possibility to set up a Tiger Team (TT).    more...

On-site service

Do you prefer having a contact on-site? We are happy to give you support and advice. We try to find a solution for you as quickly as possible.
Give us a call or send us an e-mail at:

Do you have questions or comments about this site? contact form