Request user account for bwHPC computing cluster

Please fill out directly on the computer and then print. Forms that incomplete could be processed with a delay, incorrectly processed, or not processed at all. Then please sign o both sides, also be stamped by the responsible institute and send us the original form. After the application has been approved, you will receive an e-mail with a registration link with which you can carry out further access. Please send questions to

More Information: Registration, bwHPC-S5 (local), bwHPC

Submission: Please submit via post to Universität Hohenheim, KIM (630),Central Libary, IT-Service-Desk,  D-70593 Stuttgart or in person to Brigitte Wellenkamp.




Signatures and stamps ²

(¹) The Hohenheim user account is a requirement for access rights.

(²) With my signature, I declare that I acknowledge the attached legal notice and that I will adhere to the user regulations and legal requirements.

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