Library tours / finding recommended literature (e.g. from lectures)

Library tours

At the beginning of the winter semesters, we offer a great number of tours of the Central and Departmental Library.

We also offer separate tours for groups (e.g. horticulture school, individual seminars, tutor groups, etc.) upon registration.

More information, including on the registration of groups can be found here

Introduction into research with HohSearch (library catalog)

You can also participate in the regular event lunchtime literature research with HohSearch (“Literatursuche zur Lunchtime mit HohSearch”). In a relaxed atmosphere we present information on research in books and journal articles with our literature search engine HohSearch. In exercise examples we will tell you tips and tricks on quick ways to find the literature you are looking for.

You will also learn about the library account and how you can order and reserve books.

All dates and information on registration can be found here

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