Application for funding from the Open Access Publication Fund

Please fill out the following form completely. All fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

After reviewing the application for funding conditions, we will inform you by email whether your publication can be supported. If all the conditions are fulfilled, you will receive funding approval. The amount will be reserved for you in the publication fund.

Once you have received an invoice from the publisher, please send it by email to

This will first be paid by KIM, so it is essential that KIM is named as the invoice recipient for the article invoice and that the University's VAT identification number is stated. It is also important that the University of Hohenheim is named in the first line of the invoice address:

Universität Hohenheim (630)
Kommunikations-, Informations- und Medienzentrum
D-70599 Stuttgart

VAT-ID: DE 147 794 207

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