Request for PC support

Online form for requesting free support for PC problems

If you wish to drop off DIFFERENT units for repair/fuelling, please fill out a separate support request for EACH unit.

Unfortunately, we CANNOT repair private devices (including those used for business purposes!) for liability reasons! However, if it is business data on private devices, we can support you in backing them up or rescuing them.

Active help

If you’re logged in to the  intranet, personal data - if they are saved - will be filled in automatically (name, email, ...). 

Alternate telephone

Please make sure you give an alternate telephone number with which you or another contact person are sure to be reached so that we can contact you as quickly as possible.


Please describe your problem here. 


We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange an appointment. During processing, in exceptional cases there could be delays of between several days and up to two weeks depending on our workload.

Data back-up and liability

Since we cannot be held liable for a loss of data, you should ensure that you back up your data. If this is no longer possible because of a defect, for example, you can ask our assistants to help. We cannot accept liability in this case, either.


Clarify in advance whether the defective device is still under warranty (On University PCs or notebooks, there is usually a 3-year warranty. For desktops: on-site, for notebooks: bring in). In this case, the distributor is responsible and the institute must therefore contact them. Our PC support can help you, however, in clarifying whether it is a problem which falls under the warranty (hardware problem) or whether it is a software problem.

Turning over equipment

You will receive a confirmation mail for the request. If you want the defective device to go to the workshop, please print this email twice, sign the declaration on data back-up and the disclaimer and attach one of the printouts to the device. We will use the second printout for documenting the acceptance of your device. This is also the ticket for collecting your device.

To check and repair your computer, we will need your Windows password. When giving us your computer, please tell us your current password and then change it after you get the computer back, or change it before giving it to us and then change it back to your usual password when the repairs are complete.

(Fields with * are mandatory, otherwise the request cannot be processed)

Your information

The problem:

Your system


The standard installation language is German. If you want another language, please write that in the comments.

Do you have questions or comments about this site? contact form