Awareness learning modules on IT security  [15.06.22]

The awareness learning modules on IT security are about raising awareness in dealing with IT against the background of attacks by so-called hackers on users' computers. The aim of these attacks is either to access data, trigger payments or permanently damage systems. In addition to the technical implementation, psychological tricks are used, where one has to look very carefully, especially in the heat of the moment.

The following learning modules are now available in English:

  1. Basics of cyber security
  2. Email security
  3. Mobile security
  4. Internet & online tools
  5. Office security
  6. Malicious software

Just like the German learning modules, the English modules are explicitly aimed at employees and students, and are designed to be practical and interactive. Each learning module contains concrete recommendations for action and ends with a concluding quiz.

Of course, breaks are possible so that the individual learning modules can be optimally combined with one's own time management.

The following link will take you to the English learning modules in ILIAS.

For questions regarding IT security, please contact

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