Web Seminar Introduction to HPC-Cluster - bwUniCluster 2.0 on September 13th [09.09.22]
The bwHPC Training Team at HLRS, University of Stuttgart, is pleased to announce its web seminar for bwHPC users:
High Performance Computing (HPC) means achieving high and highest computing performance. Special HPC clusters and supercomputers are used for this purpose. To achieve maximum performance, all the components involved must be planned and coordinated and operated with each other. The course will give insight into the need for supercomputers and teach the basic structure of a microprocessor and multicore processor (x86_64) as well as the different aspects of of shared memory CPU-nodes and distributed memory systems. In addition, the course will give an introduction of the bwUniCluster 2.0, including the connection, authentication, batch system, workspaces, module files, visualization, data transfer, file systems and interactive jobs.
The course language is German but slides are in English.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 09:00 - 12:00, limited number of spots (45)
For detailed information and to book the web seminar please click here.
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