Outlook for iOS and Android with safety issues [03.02.15]
The Communication, Information and Media Center (KIM) advises you not to use the apps “Outlook for iOS” and “Microsoft Outlook Preview” (Microsoft Outlook Vorschau) from Microsoft that are available since January 2015 neither officially or privately.
Both apps don´t connect directly to the mail service of the University of Hohenheim (or another server like Dropbox for example). Instead, they transport the data content via various systems from Microsoft and its partners. That means, that your user data (username and password) as well as the content of the data (e-mails, documents etc.) will be stored uncontrolled on these servers.
The disclosure of your login data is ruled by the user regulations §7 paragraph 2e. According to this the usage of this application in official businesses is prohibited.
If you already have installed the apps and configured your mailbox, please delete the software and change your password:
- https://kim.uni-hohenheim.de/student-password (students)
- https://kim.uni-hohenheim.de/staff-password (staff)
Further information concerning these apps can be found here:
- http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Microsofts-Outlook-App-schleust-E-Mails-ueber-Fremd-Server-2533240.html?wt_mc=rss.ho.beitrag.rdf
- http://www.msxfaq.de/mobil/outlook4ios.htm
- https://blog.winkelmeyer.com/2015/01/warning-microsofts-outlook-app-for-ios-breaks-your-company-security/
If you have questions or problems please contact: kim-it@uni-hohenheim.de or the IT-Service-Desk (Phone 24444).
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