Wartungsarbeiten der Elsevier Plattformen am 1. August um 24 Uhr für ca. 4,5 Stunden  [28.07.15]

Folgende vom KIM lizenzierte Angebote stehen während der aufgeführten Zeit nicht zur Verfügung:

www.sciencedirect.com (Elsevier-Zeitschriften und E-Books)
www.scopus.com (Zitationsdatenbank)


On Saturday, August 1, access to Elsevier platforms will be unavailable due to a scheduled maintenance for approximately 4.5 hours starting at 6 PM EDT = 24 Uhr.

The platforms and solutions involved are:
•    Elsevier Research Platforms: ScienceDirect, Scopus (including Author Feedback Wizard), Engineering Village, Mendeley
•    Research Intelligence: SciVal Funding
•    R&D Solutions: Reaxys, Embase, Geofacets
Each platform will be displaying a warning to users of this scheduled downtime, and during downtime, there will be a message informing users of the temporary unavailability of service.
To stay up to date with any developments follow the individual Twitter accounts for the products.


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