Everything for the start
- New in Hohenheim? Your Start Guide for IT and Library
- Going digital quickly - studying online
- Libraries
- Hohenheim user account for students
- Library account
- ILIAS learning platform
- HohCampus information page for students
- Access to Hohenheim network
- User certificates
- Personal storage
- Cloud drive bwSync&Share
- File transfer with FEX
- Zoom
- Reference Management
- Microsoft Office 365
- Microsoft Teams
- Surveys with QuestBack (Unipark)
- Data analysis software
- DATEV Students online
- Virtualization with VMware
- Geographic information with ArcGIS
- Presentations with think-cell
- CFH databases (DALAHO)
- High-performance computing (bwHPC)
- Research data management
- Forms, instructions, and downloads
- Courses and tutorials
- Personal advice
- Software
- Zoom
- Reference Management
- Microsoft Office 365
- Microsoft Teams
- Surveys with QuestBack (Unipark)
- Data analysis software
- DATEV Students online
- Virtualization with VMware
- Geographic information with ArcGIS
- Presentations with think-cell
- CFH databases (DALAHO)
- High-performance computing (bwHPC)
- Research data management
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