Create direct links

How can I create a direct link to a person’s page?

You can directly copy the Internet address from the address bar of your Internet browser.
This leads to the person’s page.

For links to people’s pages, please note:
If the person in question is not publicly visible, anyone accessing such a direct link must be logged in to HohCampus beforehand in order to see the person's page.
Department admins also enter visibility for the function. (See FAQ entry: "How can the visibility of my personal data be adjusted for other (non-administrative) users?").

How can I create a direct link (permalink) to the detail page of an institution?

  1. Go to the institution detail page ,
  2. then click on the gray share icon at the top.
  3. You will see a permalink that always links to this page.
  4. You can copy this to the clipboard using the available buttons and open it in a new browser tab or browser window.

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