High-performance computing (bwHPC)

Scientific computing in research, teaching, and studies has become more and more important over the past years. In order to further support this activity and to create better conditions, the state concept “bwHPC” for High Performance Computing in Baden-Württemberg has been developed. This concept includes the promotion of High Performance Computing (HPC) on all performance levels (3-0) and complements the national and European supply concepts in the area of High Performance Computing.
The accompanying project bwHPC-S5 "Scientific Simulation and Storage Support Services" serves as a link between the scientists and High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in Baden-Württemberg. It offers scientists in the state a comprehensive and needs-oriented service related to the existing HPC systems. The bwHPC-S5 project is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg.

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