How can I work in HohCampus with different roles at the same time?

1. In some browsers there is also the possibility to open a private window (called incognito mode in Google Chrome) in addition to the normal mode. In this kind of a window, you can select a different role than in the normal window once you have logged in to HohCampus.

2. At least in the Mozilla Firefox browser, besides private windows, there are environments (or “containers”). These are available as a standard functionality in the more recent versions of the normal Firefox version. For example, you can open HohCampus in a normal browser tab, right-click on the home page icon or any other link and select a category (e.g. “work”) in the menu option “Open the link in a new tab in container”. (The names of the categories are only used for differentiation, there are no configuration differences.) The HohCampus start page will then open in a new, color-coded tab that behaves like a separate browser. PCs managed by KIM often have a special version in line called "ESR" (Extended Support Release) installed. It does not yet offer the above described environments as a standard add-on functionality. But they can be upgraded with the add-on "Multi-Account Containers". The add-on offers even more possibilities, e.g.  editing the individual containers (name, symbol)

3. Use different browsers. Please note: Internet Explorer is outdated and therefore generally not recommended. Errors can occur, especially when working with HohCampus.

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