
SFTP connection process has been stopped


General: SFTP connection set-up is stopped.

The effects / error reports depend on the SFTP client: With MacOS, Cyberduck disconnects without comment. WinSCP with Windows reports “Kann das SFTP nicht initialisieren...” (Cannot initiate SFTP...):


To solve the problem, please do the following:

  1. In your user-specific settings, echo instructions exist that the SFTP protocol cannot deal with properly.

    They are usually the following files:
    ~/.kshalias or ~/.alias
  2. In your ~/.cshrc file, the program biff is opened.
Solution The echo instructions and/or the program biff can be commented out or deleted without problems.

If you have installed the AFS client, you can edit these files directly with an editor. Alternatively, you can log in using the console and edit the files, e.g. with pico or vim. In the corresponding lines, you can simply put an # at the beginning.

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