Preventative action regarding "Forgotten passwords"  [10.07.18]

The new software for managing your Hohenheim user account now offers you the option of voluntarily setting up a preventative measure for the "Forgotten password" function.
Providing you save an alternative e-mail address in the system and an additional PIN (a number with at least 4 digits), you will be able to independently create a new password should you forget your password.
This is of particular use if you have forgotten your password and might be abroad at the time.

Please use the following website to enter the e-mail address and PIN:

After entering your Hohenheim access data, you will be taken directly to the input screen.
Please do not use your date of birth as your PIN!
The option of resetting your password by turning up in person to the IT Service Desk and presenting an official form of identification remains unaffected by this.

We would draw your attention to the fact that passwords cannot be reset in response to e-mail or phone enquiries.

Should you have any questions, please contact

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