Support for Windows 10 ends on October 14, 2025  [17.03.25]

After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer offer free software updates for Windows 10 via Windows Update and security fixes, and technical support will be discontinued.

Please update your systems to Windows 11 in good time before then. You can use the Windows update function for this. If the system is not Windows 11 compatible, it will need to be replaced.

Operating Windows 10 after October 14, 2025 poses a significant security risk to our shared IT infrastructure and must be avoided at all costs. KIM must therefore reserve the right to centrally disconnect from the network any devices still using Windows 10 if serious security problems with the operating system become known. This also applies to other operating systems that are no longer provided with security fixes by the manufacturer.

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk.

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