As of 14.01.2015, 11am: 135 new workplaces for students in the Learning Center (KIM) [12.01.15]
Just in time for the exam preparations the new Learning Center in the Otto-Sander-Straße 5 opens its doors. Within the redevelopment of the Institute of Phytomedicine the university made room for 135 new student workplaces on the ground floor.
What does the learning center offer?
- 18 larger and smaller rooms
- Thereof 16 are planned to be used for working in groups
- Flipcharts, whiteboards and in some rooms large monitors invite you to discuss and present.
- For quiet space for individual work, there are also two larger rooms with single workplaces
- LAN and WiFi
- Multifunction printers for printing, copying and scanning
- 144 lockers to be used with smart cards (student ID)
Opening times of the Learning Center:
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.
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