bwSync&Share when the Hohenheim user account is deactivated  [08.11.23]

You can use the cloud storage bwSync&Share to share files with other people, especially outside the University of Hohenheim. Please note the following information on the implications regarding personal files and file or folder sharing via bwSync&Share when deactivating the Hohenheim user account (deprovisioning) as a result of leaving the University:

  • Deprovisioning regulation

    Deletion of the data of users of the participating institutions after deactivation of the Hohenheim user account (e.g. due to leaving the University, exmatriculation) by the provider.
  • Shared directories and files in the event of deprovisioning

    Ownership of shared files and directories must be transferred to another active user before the Hohenheim user account is deactivated.

You can find more information on this in the FAQ of the service offer on the KIT website.


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