Central Library Ground Floor
Basement | Ground floor | First floor
1: Entrance, foyer and lockers, Breastfeeding facilities
You can enter all rooms of the library with jackets and bags. If you still want to lock things up - you can occupy our lockers in the foyer for a day.
Carrying baskets are available for transporting notebooks and accessories within the library. To use the lockers you need a chip card of the University Hohenheim (Student ID Card, Employee ID Card, Library Card).
Physically disabled persons
You can use our lift. Please get in touch with the staff at the circulation desk.
Breastfeeding and nappy-changing facilities
You will find a baby-changing area and a comfortable chair for breastfeeding in the Central Library.
Please contact the staff at the circulation desk.
2: Places in the Foyer
In the foyer you can find places to take a brake or to work.
3: Reference and circulation
Circulation desk
Borrowing and returning of books, as well as issuing of library user IDs, you can also receive
- Ordered literature (orders from external stacks, inter-library loan)
- Electronic media devices (CD-ROMs, microfiche, etc.)
- Network cable for notebooks
- Headphones
- Organizational information (opening times, borrowing conditions, locating books, etc.)
Reference desk
You have questions about literature search - here you can retrieve information on
- Library catalogues
- Subject databases
- E-journals
- Search tips
- Document delivery
The reference desk is staffed Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
4: Computer Room, Scanner and Book Shop
Computer room
To use the computers in the Central Library, you will need a Hohenheim user account. The exceptions are the research computers. You do not need to log in to use them. The research computers allow you to search in catalogues and use the electronic offers licenced by KIM. Only limited internet access is available on the research computers.
More computers you find in the basement.
In the Central Library computer room you will find a flatbed scanner. You need a Hohenheim user account to log in to the computers.
- AA - AZ General, Communication Science
- Language textbooks (Books for making copies)
On the bookshop shelf, you can find literature for purchase that we no longer need. You can purchase each book for 2€ at the circulation counter.
Print, copy, scan (multi-function devices)
Multi-function devices are available for you to print, copy, and scan. You can pay using the credit on a valid student ID, library card or guest card from the canteen.
There is a charge for scanning with the multi-function devices, and they can be saved on USB sticks or sent as e-mails. It is only possible to use scan-to-email with a Hohenheim e-mail address (@uni-hohenheim.de).
5: Textbook collection
The textbook collection contains the basic literature of all subjects. Textbooks are marked on the spine with a red 10 and borrowable. A non-circulation copy for agricultural and natural science books can be found under the same call number in the reading rooms.
For economic and social science titles, one non-circulation copy is kept in the Departmental Library.
6: Snacks and Beverages
Vending machines provide you snacks, coffee and cold drinks.
7: Group Rooms
Special rooms for group work allow you to work undisturbed as a group. It is not possible to book rooms.
9: Document delivery
For general questions about inter-library loan, please contact the staff at the reference desk (Tel. 0711/459-22096 or kim-bib@uni-hohenheim.de).
More specific questions about inter library-loan, international inter-library loan or complaints will be answered by the colleagues of the document delivery services. (Tel. 0711/459-22102).

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