Upgrade of the university’s central e-mail server  [29.01.15]

In the following days the university’s central e-mail server will be upgraded. Thereby limitations in the usability will result between 5pm and 8am as well as during the next weekend. The limitation still applies only to individual accounts and shown by the fact that you cannot log on to the email service in time of update. (depending on the mail accounts volume this can take between 30 minutes and a few hours)

As part of the upgrading the following innovations will occur:

  • The naming of folders:
    In the future dots (“.”) won’t be allowed in folder names any more. In current folder names, containing a dot, it will be changed to a minus sign (“-“) during the upgrade.
  • Group mailboxes:
    The inbox of group mailboxes – so far via Groups/<name of the group>/INBOX – can be found in future via Groups/<name of the group>
  • Forwarding messages, out of office mails, filters:
    From the 03.02.2015 the forwarding of messages, out of office mails and filters can be arranged via the webmail surface again. A manual can be found here: https://kim.uni-hohenheim.de/99110?L=1

If you have questions or problems please contact:
kim-mail@uni-hohenheim.de or the IT-Service-Desk (Phone 24444).

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